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Product design


Treer is a plant adoption service.
Through this service, everyone can understand how difficult it is for trees to grow. 
Every life deserves to be cherished.

Hi! Masks!

Hi! Masks! is a set of stickers for message application. It is used to remind everyone of the mask pollution crisis under the epidemic. We use message applications every day, and we use stickers a lot as well. Although it is a small thing, it actually exists in our daily life in large numbers. Through the use and spread of stickers, people can be reminded once in every conversation.

Hospitality Seat

Taiwan is surrounded by the sea.
The east side of Taiwan is next to the Pacific Ocean, and to the west is the Taiwan Strait.
I used the coastline and the ocean as elements to made these chairs.
The most beautiful scenery in Taiwan is our hospitality.
The four chairs represent the coast of Taiwan in different regions,
a symbol that wherever you are from,we can all have lots of fun together.

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